Lectures & workshops 

Psychological Forum offers webinars on psychological phenomena relating to interpersonal relations at work. Maria Sandgren, reg psychologist, PhD, researcher, blogs and gives presentations about the importance of social connectedness and shared reality – all based on psychological research.

För dig som arbetar med fördjupande samtal i terapi. Jag arbetar med utbildning, webinars, workshops och handledning. Klicka gärna här för att veta mer:

On interpersonal relations at work

The core of all lectures and workshops is to show the importance of social connectedness and the need to create a shared reality for humans. Social connectedness and a shared reality are psychological concepts that describe how people perceive relationships and how they create and share their perceptions of others' inner states (feelings and opinions about the world around them). Expressing these perceptions then creates social bonds and meaning.

The lectures are about social connectedness and a common reality within the areas:

- In the therapeutic relationship (between therapist and client)
- In relationships at work (in particular on gender-based discrimination)

Lectures and workshops address how social connectedness and a shared reality can contribute to health, well-being, and development, and also show the consequences of a lack of social connectedness and a shared reality.

Maria Sandgren will upload short introductions on therapeutic work and gender-based discrimination – all relating to social connectedness, shared reality and humanistic psychology. More information on courses and webinars will be added. Please check here again in the beginning of September.

If you would like to have courses (in English or Swedish) specifically designed for your organization, Maria would be happy to discuss this with you.

All presentations will show the benefits of integrating psychological research into professional work.

Maria blogs about affect-focused therapy at Thinking about Therapy, please click here to sign up for the newsletter. Keywords for the blog are social connectedness, belongingness, and in particular, humanism from a psychological perspective.

Welcome to contact Psychological Forum for questions and information!




Psychological forum

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